Default Transition Premiere Shortcut

You can change the default transition in preference. To assign a shortcut to a key, double-click in the Shortcut column to the right of the shortcut you want premidre assign, then type the keys you want to use. If no keyframes are present, dragging adjusts the value for the entire clip or track. The default is to display the preset of Adobe Premiere Pro Default. The preset pop-up menu is changed to Custom when you change the shortcut. You can choose Save As to save the personalized shortcut as a preset when making the required changes. Shortcuts of Application Premiere Pro. Presets in Adobe Premiere Pro are small files that ease the process of doing repetitive tasks, be it an effect transition or the volume of a clip. More importantly, presets lets you more efficient. Solved: I'm trying to delete a couple of dissolves from my clips. I tried zooming into the clip and selecting the transition effect but nothing happens. By default, the default video transition will be cross dissolve and the default audio transition will be constant power with a default duration of one second. If you want to change the default time, simply navigate to ‘Edit Preferences General’ for Windows or ‘Premiere Pro.

Learn my favorite Premiere Pro shortcuts to accelerate your workflow and save time! These are techniques every beginner needs to know.

Premiere Pro is a powerful program that is packed with great features. But sometimes it seems that there are too many options and buttons! It can be overwhelming for users, especially beginners. Watch the video for a full breakdown of the 7 top Premiere Pro shortcuts or read below for a quick summary:

1. Maximize Panel

Every window in the Premiere Pro interface is called a panel. You can maximize any panel by moving your mouse over top of it, then choosing the Accent (`) or Tilde key (~) on your keyboard. Then it will expand to take up your full screen! On most keyboards, this key is found in the top left corner just underneath the Esc key (see below for image). Hit the same key again to make the panel go back to normal size. I use this technique all the time with the Project panel and the Timeline, where all of my media clips are. But it can be used for any panel in Premiere Pro.

2. Zooming in Timeline

When you are editing you will spend a lot of time zooming in and out of the Timeline. Sometimes you want to focus on a single edit between clips. Sometimes you want to see the entire Timeline. My favorite way of doing this is by using:

  • The minus key () to zoom out.
  • The equals key (=) to zoom in.
  • The backslash key () to view the entire Timeline.

Be careful not to mistake the backslash () key with the forward slash (/), which does something completely different.

And be sure to use the keys at the top of your keyboard, as the keys may not work on the number pad of an extended keyboard.

3. Go to Next/Previous Edit

One of the fastest ways of moving through the Timeline is simply by using the Up arrow and the Down arrow keys. The Up arrow will take you to the previous edit and the Down arrow will take you to the next edit. These keys are one of my favorite ways of moving through the Timeline efficiently!

4. Ripple Edit with Q and W

These shortcuts are more advanced, but with some practice they can speed up your editing tremendously. First move your playhead over top of any clip in the Timeline. Then use Q to trim the beginning of the clip, or use W to trim the end of the clip.

5. Re-arrange Clips

Moving clips around the Timeline can be a real challenge, and there are many ways to do this. One of the fastest ways is simply to hold down the Command (Mac) or the Ctrl (Windows) key, and then drag a clip to a new location and it will automatically be inserted at the new location.

Adobe Premiere Default Transition Shortcut

6. Add Transitions

Select any clip in the Timeline and then use Command-D (Mac) or Ctrl-D (Windows) to apply a default transition to that clip. You can also select multiple clips and use the same shortcut to apply a transition between all the selected clips. Very handy!

7. Reset Workspace

Sometimes all it takes is a single click to completely mess up your interface! To fix it, go to Window > Workspaces and choose Editing or the workspace of your choice, and then choose Window > Workspaces and Reset to Saved Layout and it should snap back to normal.

Bonus Premiere Pro Shortcut: Undo


Default Shortcuts Windows 10

This is a common shortcut used in Premiere Pro and many other programs. If you make a mistake simply Undo it with Command-Z (Mac) or Control-Z (Windows). If you need to Undo multiple steps just keep hitting Command-Z or Control-Z and you can step backwards in time. This has saved me many times!

Default Transition Premiere Shortcut

About the Author

The Web Guru (also known as Navin Kulshreshtha) is an Adobe Certified Expert and Instructor who writes and blogs about web, video and Adobe software. His Youtube channel has hundreds of thousands of views, and he also runs a successful media company.

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of Adobe’s best-known programs within the Creative Cloud package. It’s one of the longest running apps devoted to video-making. Premiere Pro also has the well-earned reputation of being one of the most versatile and easy-to-use visual editors currently on the market.

While Premiere Pro CC can seem daunting to anyone who hasn’t used it, the app is actually quite simple to understand.

Default Transition Premiere Pro Shortcut

First, we recommend learning how to cut a video into clips using Adobe Premiere. This will help you shorten your videos for social media. Next, learn how to edit videos faster in Premiere Pro.

And once you’re ready to level up, give your workflow a big boost with the Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet we’ve shared below.

The cheat sheet covers various shortcuts to help you quickly navigate around the app on both Windows and macOS. It also lists shortcuts to help you select and edit onscreen content and use various native tools like the Pen tool.

Shortcut Default Program

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Adobe Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

Adobe Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and macOS

Change Default Shortcut Browser

The shortcuts listed are the default shortcuts forAdobe Premiere Pro CC 2020. The cheat sheet does not reflect shortcuts that have been customized by an individual user.

Application Shortcuts
F1Open Premiere Pro Help
Ctrl + ZUndo last action
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo last action
VActivate the Selection tool
Shift + AActivate the Track Select Backward tool
AActivate the Track Select Forward tool
BSelect the Ripple Edit tool
NSelect the Rolling Edit tool
PSelect the Pen tool
HSelect the Hand tool
ZSelect the Zoom tool
TSelect the Type tool
Ctrl + QQuit Premiere Pro
File Shortcuts
Ctrl + OOpen a project
Ctrl + WClose the panel window
Ctrl + Shift + WClose open project
Ctrl + SSave project
Ctrl + Shift + SSave project as
Ctrl + IImport a file or piece of media to edit
Project Shortcuts
Ctrl + XCut a piece of content
Ctrl + CCopy a piece of content
Ctrl + VPaste a piece of content
Ctrl + Shift + /Duplicate a piece of content
Ctrl + ASelect all content
Ctrl + Shift + ADeselect all content
Ctrl + FFind a file or piece of content
Program Shortcuts
Sequence and Timeline Shortcuts
=Zoom in on a track
-Zoom out on a track
Ctrl + =Increase the size of the tracks
Ctrl + -Decrease the size of the tracks
Ctrl + LLink content
Ctrl + GGroup content
Ctrl + Shift + GUngroup content
FMatch a frame
Shift + RReverse Match a frame
Ctrl + KAdd Edit to a frame
Ctrl + Shift + KAdd Edit to all tracks
Shift + TTrim Edit
XMark Clip
/Mark Selection
MAdd a marker
Shift + MGo to the next marker
[Decrease the volume of an audio track
]Increase the volume of an audio track
Shift + EExport a frame
Ctrl + MOpen Export dialog box in Timeline panel
Essential Graphics Shortcuts
BackspaceClear selection
Legacy Title Panel Shortcuts
AArc tool
EEllipse tool
LLine tool
PPen tool
RRectangle tool
ORotation tool
CVertical Type tool
Ctrl + BBold text
Ctrl + IItalicize text
Ctrl + UUnderline text
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + CInsert the copyright symbol
Application Shortcuts
F1Open Premiere Pro Help
Cmd + ZUndo last action
Shift + Cmd + ZRedo last action
VActivate the Selection tool
Shift + AActivate the Track Select Backward tool
AActivate the Track Select Forward tool
BSelect the Ripple Edit tool
NSelect the Rolling Edit tool
PSelect the Pen tool
HSelect the Hand tool
ZSelect the Zoom tool
TSelect the Type tool
Cmd + QQuit Premiere Pro
File Shortcuts
Cmd + OOpen a project
Cmd + WClose the panel window
Shift + Cmd + WClose open project
Cmd + SSave project
Shift + Cmd + SSave project as
Cmd + IImport a file or piece of media to edit
Project Shortcuts
Cmd + XCut a piece of content
Cmd + CCopy a piece of content
Cmd + VPaste a piece of content
Shift + Cmd + /Duplicate a piece of content
Cmd + ASelect all content
Shift + Cmd + ADeselect all content
Cmd + FFind a file or piece of content
Program Shortcuts
Sequence and Timeline Shortcuts
=Zoom in on a track
-Zoom out on a track
Cmd + =Increase the size of the tracks
Cmd + -Decrease the size of the tracks
Cmd + LLink content
Cmd + GGroup content
Shift + Cmd + GUngroup content
FMatch a frame
Shift + RReverse Match a frame
Cmd + KAdd Edit to a frame
Shift + Cmd + KAdd Edit to all tracks
Shift + TTrim Edit
XMark Clip
/Mark Selection
MAdd a marker
Shift + MGo to the next marker
[Decrease the volume of an audio track
]Increase the volume of an audio track
Shift + EExport a frame
Cmd + MOpen Export dialog box in Timeline panel
Essential Graphics Shortcuts
DeleteClear selection
Legacy Title Panel Shortcuts
AArc tool
EEllipse tool
LLine tool
PPen tool
RRectangle tool
ORotation tool
CVertical Type tool
Cmd + BBold text
Cmd + lItalicize text
Cmd + UUnderline text
Cmd + Option + Shift + CInsert the copyright symbol

Explore More Adobe Premiere Pro Tips

Now that you have this cheat sheet, you can quickly reference it to fulfill all your video editing needs. Looking for other things you can do with the program? Learn how to record a voiceover in Adobe Premiere Pro or liven up your videos with a few Premiere Pro transitions.

Image Credit: Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Default Transition Premiere Shortcuts

Read the full article: The Adobe Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

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