Stm32 Bootloader Usb Driver

  1. Stm32 Usb Driver
  2. Stm32 Windows 10 Driver

Bootloader, is a firmware that is always in the controller's flash memory (ROM) and runs every time power is supplied to the device. This code is the first to be executed and receives a control each time the device starts.

Select “STM32 BOOTLOADER” from the drop-down and press the “Replace Driver” button. Optionally, you may wish to check the board is visible as a USB port: Hold down the board’s DFU button and plug in a USB cable (attached to your PC). Put in the USB cable connection to the F3FC board (shoe button kept), the “STM32 Bootloader” displays in the device supervisor and lights are demonstrated on Y3FC table. A.K.A Computer recognizes the brand-new device.

Run the “STM32 Bootloader.bat” file to install the STM32CubeProgrammer DFU driver and activate the STM32 microprocessor device in USB DFU mode. This driver (installed by STM32 Bootloader.bat) is provided within the STM32CubeProgrammer release package. It is located in the DFU driver folder, Drivers DFU Driver.

ST-ONE is a mini BIOS, only for a small system.

ST-ONE has a very small size for its enormous potential, just 32Кb. When you start the loader going on the basic initialization of the device and other important processes start: restore the current time from the backup domain, if necessary; the control checks of software and hardware; loading startup parameters for the device; control of licensing, installing and updating of software; the device protection and a number of other tasks. After the initialization and control processes are completed, the loader transfers control to the main program (firmware) and quits. For the user it looks invisible as it happens instantly, and the device immediately begins to perform its functions.

ST-ONE has a very important feature-it turns the MCU, in which to run, in a standard USB-drive! It allows you to connect the system to your computer or smartphone and communicate with your device by sharing files like with a normal USB flash drive. You can download firmware files and its updates by ordinary copying. This eliminates the concept of 'firmware' of the device and the procedure of software upgrade of your products becomes simple and clear even to the unprepared user. Configuration files with parameters (INI) are also available on the emulated disk, where you can configure the initial behavior of your device or get additional information. An important feature is the ability of the bootloader to update itself! Get new features and improvements by easy movement without the programmator.

ST-ONE has a large basic functionality for managing firmware and the device. It has a unique mechanism for expanding its own functionality. In addition to the rich features of the loader, the mechanism of plugins, which was called 'JACK', was implemented. These are firmware-extensions-utilities that can be loaded directly at the time of the bootloader operation without affecting the main system. Flashing or any changes are not required. The JACK file is loaded by simply copying to the service disk - this is the second disk emulated by the bootloader. The JACK will be erased after power off or system reset in a normal mode.

This approach allows you to spread the possibilities onto a truly unlimited space without changing the size of the loader and the limited resources. The Jack files for the bootloader can be found in the relevant section or created by you. These routines can perform different service tasks of the boot loader itself or device: removal of dumps, indication of conditions, etc. can be the independent firmware, for example as: ports monitors, implementation of data transfer interfaces, to work with the periphery and memory, test the device and more! The capabilities of the JACK mechanism are limited only by the size of the plug-in and the level of the developer's qualification. The size of the JACK file may be even larger than the bootloader itself. The exact size depends on the version of the bootloader and the chip.

JACK is available in the service mode of the bootloader operation. Switching to the service mode is performed by a special software or hardware command. Also in the service mode, you can download itself the boot loader from the crystal as a file, for the purpose of backup storage on other media, in case of system failure or recovery needs.

Firmware and licensing

ST-ONE has a powerful firmware licensing mechanism. This allows you to distribute the encrypted firmware freely available on open communication channels, and run only in target devices. The user will be required to enter a personal or global key for the software being distributed, if necessary. Several software licensing mechanisms are supported.

The encryption uses a powerful mechanism based on AES128, which is recognized by the US national security Agency as a security standard. Unpacking firmware is using public and private keys. The key can be entered in the configuration files, and the integrity of the SOFTWARE is checked by the calculated MD5 sums.
The loader accepts the following types of software (firmware):

  • Open firmware
  • Encrypted firmware for all devices: it works wherever the key is entered
  • Encrypted firmware for a specific device by ID: personalized

Open firmware is available for copying and downloading straight from the crystal of the microcontroller in the form of a file. Ready to be distributed or flashing to other devices. Encrypted firmware is not available for download in clear form from the MCU. After installing the closed firmware in the crystal, a number of hardware and software protection mechanisms will not just allow to download or read the firmware. This is important for commercial products that require upgrades and support, but require licensing and copyright protection. Whitney houston i will always love you mp3 lyrics.

Stm32 Usb Driver

A simple and clear mechanism for updating and transferring firmware to end users raises the format of working with device users to a completely new level. Greatly simplifies the work of the maintenance staff by reducing costs.

Reliability. ST-ONE is a well-optimized, high-performance and powerful solution. The bootloader's fault tolerance is high, and the mechanisms of self-protection and integrity control will not allow unauthorized modifications to its code. In case of unintentional destruction of the bootloader, under the influence of third - party factors or incorrect code operation will also be eliminated as much as possible - an emergency system shutdown will occur.

Flexible control Ufc en vivo por internet gratis en español. of the behavior of the bootloader and a start process of the device exists. The possibility of hardware control of the bootloader and its functions by signaling to the specified pins, or full software control from a computer, smartphone, or tablet-by connecting to USB.

The ability to change the parameters of the bootloader in the familiar to many INI-file, in an intuitive format through a text editor. The settings include the basic mechanisms of control and management of the emulated file system, boot scheme, hardware configuration, configuration of pins and other. PIN-s of management and display are easily assigned and reassigned in the configuration files. The control method is specified-logical 0 or 1 This means that the bootloader can be fine-tuned and used on a variety of hardware platforms other than ST-ONE.

In the file system of the loader, there is a generated information file with technical information. It is possible to obtain a brief summary of the current system: the chip model, unique ID, MD5 checksums of the firmware, the system time, addresses of entry points for the assembly of firmware, reference information for managing the boot loader and some other parameters. This data is enough for free work with the device. For control of the integrity of the firmware, build your own firmware or contact a remote support without accessing documentation or other sources.

One of the main advantages of ST-ONE as a USB-FLASH drive is that all the memory of the crystal is available for use, except for the size of the bootloader itself. This is achieved by means of powerful, non- standard solutions without auxiliary tools and additional memory chips - only by means of MCU. We use transparent emulation of our own modified FAT12 file system, which brings the efficiency of the controller resource usage to the maximum.

This is a great advantage compared to other solutions of this class! As in the known third-party solutions can be used only up to 45% of the crystal memory under the main code, another 45% for maintenance / upgrade of firmware; up to 7% - the loader, about 3% overhead costs. In other cases the auxiliary technical means are used - additional memory chips, software and hardware, drivers, other interfaces and mechanisms, which significantly complicate the final device, reducing fault tolerance, versatility and reliability, increases cost and power consumption. Many boot loaders, including for other systems, do not know how to update themselves - you need a programmator. ST-ONE does not have such drawbacks, and the list of key advantages and possibilities is even wider (see the relevant sections of the documentation).

System requirements

In fact, there are no system requirements. The device having on-board boot loader ST-ONE uses standardized protocols and mechanisms of exchange via the USB bus. It gives incredible flexibility, freedom of action and cross-platform. The user is independent of the vendor's software. Programmator or other technical means are not required. The skill level of technical staff may be minimal.

You do not need a driver to operate the ST-ONE. The loader is compatible with all operating systems: Windows, Linux, Android, MacOS, etc. It does not require additional modules and software products. The device is controlled by means of system utilities that are available in any operating system. It is immediately ready for operation after power supply or connection.

Stm32 Windows 10 Driver

Customizable Bootloader for STM32 microcontrollers. This example demonstrates how to perform in-application-programming of a firmware located on external SD card with FAT32 file system.

Table of Contents

Bootloader features

  • Configurable application space
  • Flash erase
  • Flash programming
  • Flash verification after programming
  • Checksum verification
  • Flash protection check, write protection enable/disable
  • Extended error handling, fail-safe design
  • Bootloader firmware update and the ability to perform full chip re-programming: enter ST's built-in bootloader from software (without triggering the BOOT pin)
  • SWO tracing for easier debugging and development
  • Easy to customize and port to other microcontrollers


This demo is implemented on a custom hardware (see Figure 1) equipped with a STM32L496VG microcontroller [1, 2]. The microSD card is connected to the MCU over SDIO interface. The implementation uses the official HAL library of ST [4] and is compiled with IAR EWARM. Programming and debugging is performed over SWD with a SEGGER J-Link debug probe.

Note: The bootloader currently supports the STM32L496VG and STM32L476VG microcontrollers [1, 3] out-of-the-box. The individual build configurations for different microcontrollers can be selected with a single click in IAR. Release v1.03 introduced support for the STM32L496VG microcontroller. Earlier versions support the STM32L476VG microcontroller only. For complete list of changes, please see the CHANGELOG file.

Figure 1: System overview

The microcontroller flash is organized as follows: by default the first 32kBytes (16 pages) of the flash is reserved for the bootloader and the rest of the flash is the application space.

Figure 2: Flash organization

After power-up, the bootloader starts. All three LEDs are flashed for a second, then the bootloader checks for user-interaction:

  • If the button is not pressed, then the bootloader tries to launch the application: First it checks the application space. If there is a firmware located in the application space, the bootloader calculates the checksum over the application space and compares with the application checksum (if the checksum feature is enabled). Finally, the bootloader prepares for the jump by resetting the peripherals, disabling the SysTick, setting the vector table and stack pointer, then the bootloader performs a jump to the application.

  • If the button is pressed and released within 4 seconds: the bootloader tries to update the application firmware by performing the following sequence:

    1. Checks for write protection. If the application space is write-protected, then the red LED is switched on and the yellow LED is flashed for five seconds. If the button is pressed within this interval, the bootloader disables the write protection by re-programming the flash option bytes and performs a system reset (required after flash option bytes programming). Please note that after disabling the write protection, the user has to invoke the application update procedure again by pressing the button in order to continue the firmware update.
    2. Initializes SD card, looks for application binary and opens the file.
    3. Checks the file size whether it fits the application space in the microcontroller flash.
    4. Initializes microcontroller flash.
    5. Erases the application space. During erase, the yellow LED is on. If the user presses the button and keeps it pressed until the end of the flash erase procedure, the bootloader then interrupts the firmware update and does not perform flash programming after the erase operation. This feature is useful if the user only wants to erase the application space.
    6. Performs flash programming. During flashing, the green LED is blinking.
    7. Verifies flash programming by re-opening the firmware file located on the SD card and comparing the content of the file with the flash content.
    8. Enables write protection of application space if this feature is enabled in the configuration.
    9. After successful in-application-programming, the bootloader launches the application.
  • If the button is pressed for more than 4 seconds: the bootloader launches ST's built-in bootloader located in the internal boot ROM (system memory) of the chip. For more information, please refer to [5]. With this method, the bootloader can be updated or even a full chip re-programming can be performed easily, for instance by connecting the hardware to the computer via USB and using DFU mode [6, 7].

  • If the button is kept pressed for more than 9 seconds: the bootloader tries to launch the application located in the flash. This scenario is fully equivalent to the case when the user does not press the button after power-up (see above).

Figure 3: Bootloader sequence

Source code organization

Drivers and Middlewares folders contain the CMSIS, HAL and FatFs libraries. The bootloader source code and corresponding header files can be found in Src and Inc folders respectively.

How to use

The bootloader can be easily customized and tailored to the required hardware and environment, i.e. to perform firmware updates over various interfaces or even to implement over-the-air (OTA) updates if the hardware incorporates wireless communication modules. In order to perform successful in-application-programming, the following sequence has to be kept:

  1. Check for flash write protection and disable it if necessary.
  2. Initialize flash with Bootloader_Init().
  3. Erase application space with Bootloader_Erase() (optional, but recommended).
  4. Prepare for programming by calling Bootloader_FlashBegin().
  5. Perform programming by repeatedly calling the Bootloader_FlashNext(uint64_t data) function. The programming procedure requires 8 bytes of data (double word) to be programmed at once into the flash. This function automatically increases the address where the data is being written.
  6. Finalize programming by calling Bootloader_FlashEnd().

The application image has to be in binary format. If the checksum verification is enabled, the binary must include the checksum value at the end of the image. When creating the application image, the checksum has to be calculated over the entire image (except the checksum area) with the following parameters:

  • Algorithm: CRC32
  • Size: 4 bytes
  • Initial value: 0xFFFFFFFF
  • Bit order: MSB first

Important notice: in order to perform a successful application jump from the bootloader, the vector table of the application firmware should be relocated. On system reset, the vector table is fixed at address 0x00000000. When creating an application, the microcontroller startup code sets the vector table offset to 0x0000 in the system_stm32xxxx.c file by default. This has to be either disabled (the bootloader can be configured to perform the vector table relocation before the jump) or manually set the the vector table offset register (VTOR) to the appropriate offset value which is the start address of the application space. For more information, please refer to [8].


The bootloader can be widely configured in the bootloader.h file. The file includes detailed comments and descriptions related to the configurable parameters and definitions.



[1] STM32L496VG,


[2] RM0351, “STM32L4x5 and STM32L4x6 advanced ARM®-based 32-bit MCUs Reference Manual”,

[3] STM32L476VG,

[4] UM1884, “Description of STM32L4 HAL and Low Layer drivers”,

Network monitoring software. [5] AN2606, 'STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode',

[6] AN3156, 'USB DFU protocol used in the STM32 bootloader',

[7] UM0412, 'Getting started with DfuSe USB device firmware upgrade',

[8] PM0214, 'STM32F3 Series, STM32F4 Series, STM32L4 Series and STM32L4+ Series Cortex®-M4 Programming Manual',

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